There are a lot of different example of wrought iron fences in this neighborhood which I just love. The gates can look very different as well.
There are examples of the traditional white picket fence as well.
A mix of concrete and iron hints to a gothic past for some of the homes.
This one reminds me of a professor I had who always said "the devil is in the details".
i absolutely adore front fences. were i to have my druthers, i'd have one here. i even have it all planned out. first, i'd have all the stupid hedges and cedars planted. then i'd have concrete bases poured and have stone pillars constructed. in between the stone pillars i'd have some very fancy wrought iron fencing put in. over the front sidewalk, wehre it meets the public sidewalk i'd have an archway that would support honeysuckle vines. where the fence comes to the side of the house i'd have the pillars about 7 feet tall with 6 foot high wood fencing to close in the back yard.
there's a marvelous feeling to have that clear deliniation of yards.
I love these photos. Your area is looking better every day!
I love this post. What a wonderful idea!
I love your photography, and I wish you'd do more of it, especially if you could make yourself do it on a black hole day. I'd like to see if there was a contrast. I think you've got a great eye.
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