Late latkes, Gifts waiting for the morrow
Last night we created another tradition, celebrating hannukah with Ruth, Piccolo's mom. Before heading to Albany Bulb I had the sufganiyot dough rising in a bowl on the stove, having used my tried and true recipe from The Book of Jewish Food by Claudia Roden. My potatoes were prepped and draining in the colander, and the chicken had been rinsed, air drying in the refrigerator (a trick I was trying from Cooks Illustrated's thoughts on how to get a crispy skin on turkey).
It was the perfect time to get to the Bulb yesterday, immediately I regretted not grabbing the camera. The sky had this beautiful variegation of blues into pinks, with an incredible mirror image on the water's surface. San Francisco's skyline etched beautifully with the buildings a soft dove gray. The air was gentle, the softest of winds caressing our skin.
Coming back the house was warm and welcoming as we all piled in. I took to the kitchen to finish prepping the meal, music playing, dogs carousing, conversation flowing - definitely a very modern Norman Rockwell evening. In between meal prep and sitting down to dinner a gift break was decreed by TGF. There was a lavender theme to our gifts from Ruth - a calming lavender bandanna for Wyatt, a large lavender heating pad thing for TGF (for her shoulder), and lavender booties for me and my bad feet. Very sweet of her.
All the food was wonderful and we all ate from beyond full. There was much lolling about after dinner and talk of doing this again next year.

Tomorrow, actually in about 12-14 hours we get to tear into this! I am getting very excited. Earlier this evening I was trying to remember the last time I had "a christmas morning" but I have no recollection. It would have to be at least 5 years? Certainly it has never been an every year event. I am feeling a bit like a kid, contemplating if I could ask TGF if I could open just one tonight, or at midnight.
What ever you do during this season, one holiday, none, or many I wish you joy and hope for the new year.
Yes my love, let's open one at midnight, to add to our traditions.
Love the tree and loooove the mantle and fireplace! I am glad you had such a wonderful time!
So festive! Wonderful!
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