Anyway, I found this site and OMG, do I wish I had money. And damn is it motivation to get into better shape to wear this stuff! I am loving their checkbook covers. Right now I have George Petty art on my checks which still have my old address - I really need new ones, with a matching checkbook cover but hey, variety! How can one ignore greatness like this!

Can we talk about the dresses!??!?

And the shoes!!!
Of course for the real deal Vintage Vixen is a great place to browse and the details they provide on the items is great. This one is just too awesome in it's

I love finding vintage stuff for a good price. One thing I notice looking at Vintage Vixen's careful measurements is that it is clear that many of these frocks are constructed to be worn with a girdle. Just a good glance at the bust-waist-hip ratios make that clear as glass. Well this femme may score high on some tests but a girdle? I am too much of a comfort queen to do girdles. Yes I wore gorgeous but horrible for walking to Broadway some months ago with agony that was worth the ohs and ahs but even I have a limit. Okay, so maybe for the right dress and special occasion but really it would have to be fabulous beyond fabulous.
One day I will have a real income and my closet will groan with weight of glorious clothes and shoes. One day.
oh my. pinup girl #1, sooo sexy. some of that website's santa outfits ain't that shabby, either.
Yowsa! You're right, Dharma. This site provides a great incentive to get into shape. I agree with Heather about the Santa wear as well. Fun to wear or to admire on someone else. ;)
Damn, I wish I had seen this before I gave up being all girly and stuff. Like um, ten years ago.
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