Much debate and yarn fondling occurred until I went to the Yarn Basket's closing sale where I found Plymouth Encore in worsted. I found the close to perfect blue with a touch of green (was really looking for more of a teal). This yarn photo is the closest to the actual color, the photos that follow show up lighter than in real life.
As I began to knit this pattern, I instantly fell in love with the cabling pattern. Luckily it was a fairly easy repetition that was easy to keep track of without a lot of notes.
TGF's sweater, that is shamefully not done, is the same sort of construction, bottom up raglan, in the round. The sleeves are knitted separately and than attached to the bottom from there the yoke is done. Attaching the sleeves however was quite the adventure. Next time I do this sort type of construction I will start by using two circulars in the same fashion that is used for knitting socks.
I would love to make this sweater in an adult size - that's how much I adore this cabling pattern. If I were to make it for myself I think I would maybe a boat neck opening as I think that would be really cool, based on how the article looked before the yoke and neck were complete.
A few days after popping it in the mail I received an email from Anna saying she got and loved that color - whew! She has been great about letting me choose colors and patterns for her - the loveliest client a knitter could wish for. I am very happy with this project.
Pattern: Twisted Tree Pullover by Blue Garter (Sarah)
Size: 2-3 years
Yarn: Plymouth Encore, Worster/10 ply Acrylic, Wool, in color 598
Yardage: Just over 2 skeins, about 420 yards
Needle: size 5
Timeline: Started May 25, 2008 - Finished September 10, 2008. Does not reflect the ease of project, only procrastinating habits of knitter. I could have easily finished it in much less time had I not been working two camps and more disciplined.
1 comment:
The sweater looks lovely. :) I am glad she liked it.
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