Friday, June 01, 2007

In which our heroine finds herself in a state of shock

Yes, yes, I know I haven't been writing. I thought about it a number of times but I have been, well, distracted and actual news of the state of the republic, as it were, has been lacking.

Until now.

Just a bit ago TGF (she really deserves a better moniker, doesn't she?) spoke with her Boy Wonder who said, oh yes you're hired we just need to find a store to put you in. The store in Springboro (aka White & Dykeless town) still isn't ready yet. Apparently all the permits are in but the contractor has to put the finishing touches on it. So actual start date and possibly location of a job are a little shaky. Somehow I felt even more freaked out by knowing that this is a sure thing rather than panicking about not knowing.

There are a few thousand things to do to make this work. One of the biggest things to work out is figuring out the funding for this move. Unfortunately TGF's mother seems to go back and forth about support, financial and otherwise. This is not a new thing, their relationship is complex and layered. Yeah I know, what parent/child dyad isn't, right? However we will both be near to her family now so this could become a more consistent issue in our home. Not surprisingly I am recommending that TGF be more open and honest with her mom. Equally unsurprisingly she is somewhat resistant to this method. I have confidence that things for the move will work out through some means or another. Maybe I should put a PayP*l button on my blog - yeah that would raise enough for a few stamps.

We are very fortunate that some friends have offered to help with packing even though they are not happy we are going. It will be hard to leave our family of choice here, though we will all keep in touch as much as possible. Mostly I try not to think about leaving Jennie, Ruthie, Sue, Sarah, Pam, Ruth, Doreen, Kerrie, Mike, Terri, Candice, Priscilla, Heather, and lots more. Okay I need to stop now because I'll start bawling if I think about this part any longer.

Soon we will have a date for our house cooling. At least I hope so. Y'all are invited!


goblinbox said...

Moving sucks. So stressful.

Jbeeky said...

What is the update lady? Your fans want to know! Just thinking of you.......