I wanted to finish projects in January and I did actually finish a few.

One was a holiday gift for Aunt Suzy. This pattern was easy, fast, reversible, unisex - in other words, pretty much perfect! It's Steam Scarf and free on the web! See perfect.

Another project I finished was the matching sweater for Henry. Here is a photo of Owen's, Henry's is identical but just a smaller size. It's amazing what happens when one stops freaking about the idea of twisted cables and pays attention to the flow of the pattern! The second one went SO much faster and not just because it was smaller. Lesson learned - breath, read the pattern in the yarn, flow in the knitting and less in words.
Finally I finished th

The project that

However the issue of the pattern still loomed. The one I did was the third pattern I tried. Leaf Lace Scarf, nope. Nereides, nope. Finally tried this one, but started with a size 9

So that was my finishing month! I have finished two more projects, another getting closer to done. Those matching sweaters still need blocking though. And one of the newly finished projects still needs to be felted, but hey it's done-ish!
More later my beauties. Promise!
I love the yarn on that shawl. Totally makes it. What is going on with the move and whatnot?
Hooray for finishing! :Dt
Wow! That's a lotta knitting! I'm envious because I haven't been knitting at all.
Knitting is a great practice in mindfulness. If you over think the pattern too much it does your head in! The shawl is gorgeous!
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