How does one lose a 4 foot curtain rod?
I {heart} my knit groups.
Because I'm insane I just cast on a holiday yesterday and as soon as I find my size 5 short circular needles will cast on another one. According to my files on Ravelry I have 9 (soon to be 10) works in progress.
Wednesday I almost walked away from my job. The post event email I received was that bad. Truly.
Because of a flip comment in an email we will have our first real company in Ohio and I can't wait but I wish some of those folks from HGTV would come over quick. This place hasn't been painted in a decade, there's the half assed wall paper removal happening in the kitchen.
Without "My Boys" at work there is no way I would have lasted there at all. They help made that crazy place fun.
Penn Station makes the most awesome artichoke subs.

Yesterday I scored the best deal on shoes. One pair normally goes for about $90, for me? $20. They look kinda like these to the left. Great for work and everyday. Wore them to knit night today, love them!

The second pair goes for about $60 but I scored them for $12.50 and look like high heeled oxfords - great for work when I need to be dressy.
Have I mentioned I lovelovelove shoes?
Now off to bed so I can face the job.
{Hugs} I hope things get better at your job. Hooray for the new shoes!
Love the shoes, want to see the baby, knitting WIP's are good no matter how many, and things will get better!
I looooove those shoes. Just nabbed a pair at Clarks that look bery similar to the second ones. Totally comfortable and still AWESOME. rock on
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