Monday, September 10, 2007

One version of my horoscope for today

The Moon in your 12th House of Secrets can reveal hidden emotions now, but others still won't be aware of your internal process. They will merely see the results of your inner work and not the anguish you experience along the way. If you run into unexpected negative judgments from those who normally support you, don't try to change their minds. They will come around as they learn more about your thoughts.

I cannot begin to explain how much truth there is in this one. This move is one of the hardest things I have ever done. The support has not been great, not non-existent, but it has felt begrudgingly offered which I understand but makes me feel quite lonely. The last few months, since this Ohioan epic began it has been lonely in many ways, it has been sad and I have tried to focus on the upside - like getting out of debt, having money to travel to both coasts to visit family (chosen and biological), of starting a business venture (rehabbing houses).

But there is so much to miss here in California, people on the east coast would still prefer to me to be back there so they are accepting Ohio as at least closer to them but still not quite enough. I get jokes, warnings, and looks of shock as if Ohio will be too hard for me because it is so different from the places I have lived. It is very different but that doesn't make it bad. Right? That's how I view things, it's just different. My mantra is courtesy of Tim Gunn, "Make it work".


Jbeeky said...

I swear, moving is like death. There truly are five stages and you work through them all in different ways. I think it is great that you can see there is some support, although not enough for what you want to feel really supported. This is an adventure and a change. There is nothing that is forever and you have an opportunity to embark on something scarey and wonderful with someone you love. That my dancer, is what I call a big upside.

wen said...

ohio is, well, different, but it's not all bad.

yes, i like living out here much better. but i "made it work" in ohio (as you say) for about a decade. sure, part of that was high school, which just stinks in general...

but there are cool things about ohio as well. columbus has a big glbt community, there are pockets of liberalism and such sprinkled around, lake erie (up by mentor headlands) is actually very nice and you can swim in it without freezing...

great fall colors, outdoor summer concerts you don't freeze at and inexpensive everything come to mind.

there are arthouse theaters and funky restaurants. don't count on, say, decent mexican food, but you'll find immigrant neighborhoods with great korean food, ehtiopian food etc.

there's the lady bucks (osu's women's b-ball team) if you like that kind o' thing.

the whole state takes like 6ish hours to drive, so you won't be too far from any of this.

i only have a few friends left back there but if you want some contacts, let me know! :)

this is just a note of support--you can do it!

Pilakuvakisa pedofiilikulttien edustajia kohtaan on jokaisen ihmisoikeus. Ihmisoikeuksiin ei kuulu tulla loisimaan toisten lompakolla pedofiilirikollisina sotarikollisina vastikkeettomasti eläen said...

Lehdistötiedote 20.9.2007

Press release from Finland 20.9.2007

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