As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand or thirty thousand words.
Offers a whole definition of indoor/outdoor plumbing, no? Yes that is outside plant life festooning the inside walls of the bathroom. Our Ohio connection friend Jer called after seeing the place which left her a bit speechless. Upon just stepping through the front door her realtor pal said "offer half the asking price". From that call it was clear that we would need to get a dumpster to rid the place of trash - and which from the few photos we have there's a lot of garage. A lot. It needs a new roof. Patches of the stucco are falling off the back of the house - lathe is showing. Not good.
I am sure there are some awesome details in this place but seriously we are talking a gut job here. I'm sure. It could be a fabulous home. But as our first renovation/flip property? I'm thinking no bloody way. I want our first couple of projects to be successful. Successful means we haven't killed each other, we make a little cash, and we are happy with what we produced.
So back to the drawing board as it were.
Are you sure? This place has so much potential. I'm waiting for the no go from the awesome Jer.
OMG! I'm sorry. I couldn't help LOL. Why don't you just bypass the long trip and come live in our carraige house? Yes, we'll share the toilet.
but what an interesting idea, offering half the asking price! i would bet you could swing that $ wise then, and end up with a sweet place.
granted this is assuming you WANT to completely revamp a house and live elsewhere in the meantime. i certainly wouldn't. but if you think you can do that without killing each other, and even have a little fun, i'd say go for it.
Um, WOW. Not exactly an elbow grease issue, more like a how many construction workers do you know issue?
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